Interesting Facts About Yawning You Did not Know Before!

Did you know that you start yawning before you are born, and do you think you can get yawning when you see someone yawn? And it is not necessarily that you see it enough to think about it only!! Interestingly it is an infection that does not cure them! Can you believe that just yawning may be an early warning or warning for a number of diseases such as heart attacks or hepatic failure.

Here’s all you do not know about yawning, exciting facts:

  • What is Yawning?

It is an involuntary act or behavior where the person opens his mouth to the point where the pharynx is four times larger than the usual opening and the operation lasts from 5 to 10 seconds, the eyes are closed and the muscles of the face and neck are contracted and all the senses stop being completely isolated from the ocean during yawning !

Yawning is simple and has many benefits for the body as it renews the air, expands the lungs, raises the oxygen level in the blood, increases the effectiveness of joints, muscles and the heart and gives the mutation a wave of activity.

Normally, the normal yaw rate of the normal person is 10 to 15 times, and is significantly associated with age, where the first year of the child is aged between 25 and 30 times and then the rate decreases with age to reach the elders up to 10 times maximum.

Yawns often occur in times of low concentration and attention in several times during the day such as:

– The desire to sleep.

– Immediately wake up.

– When tasks are repeated and do not vary, which generates boredom.

– When fasting or excessive eating.

– When the sensation of heat or presence in a crowded place.

  • Why do we shrink?

Yawning usually begins at times when sleepiness or boredom increases, but the truth does not stop there. Research suggests that this simple behavior is more complex than you imagine!

Scientists are divided into the interpretation of yawning into two camps, one of which says that yawning has a physiological cause and physical benefits, while other scientists go on to yawn its causes are related to the psychological and that it is caused by communication between individuals.

So all we know until the moment and we can be sure is that all humans and most animals are biting for one reason or another!

There have been many interpretations and theories that tried to analyze and dismantle yawning was the most convincing and widespread is an attempt to link yawning and sleepiness and the need for rapid cooling of the brain;

The brain is the most active organ, so its work produces excess heat, and when we feel heat we turn on fans or air conditioners, our brains also deliberately pull large amounts of cold air through the nose and mouth and then move them directly to blood vessels that carry blood To the brain to cool and regulate the temperature of the body, and notes that the warming of the brain appears more at certain times before the immortality of sleep shortly after and after waking directly and this explains why we yawn frequently before sleep and wake up and continue until the arrival of the first cup Morning!

It is also noticeable that the change in height leads to yawning because the transition from high pressure to low pressure causes the accumulation of air behind the eardrum. The body quickly resorts to yawning to offset pressure behind the eardrum and relieve pain and discomfort.

One of the things you will notice with the increase and frequency of yawning is when you feel bored, and explain that when a person is bored, his breathing becomes slow and does not reach the depth, which leads to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and the need for the body to a greater amount of oxygen which is exactly what He believes in yawning.

There are many diseases that increase the rate of yawning, such as chronic neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, strokes, cerebral palsy, increased brain pressure, epilepsy and other neurological diseases.

Some medications may increase yawning, such as some antidepressants and estrogen, and fever may increase yawning, acute meningitis, kidney failure, liver failure, stomach ulcers, thyroid disorders, and others.

There is a belief among many researchers that yawning is a form of human communication that began before humans can even pronounce


  • Is Yawning Contagious!!

You will not need the power of a note to discover that when you are in the middle of a group of people and when someone yawns you will find yourself forced unconsciously to imitate and simulated and within minutes will also infect the rest of the present, this is exactly what we mean yawning!

Although the phenomenon of yawning is not limited to the human race, but extends to include a number of animals, especially vertebrates, but the phenomenon of infection and simulation of humans alone.

The behavior of yawning simulation is closely related to empathy and interaction. Experiments have shown that a person is more conventional to yawning whenever he is able to interact with others and to know their emotions and to predict their feelings. The rate of yawning infection is primarily related to the extent of emotional affinity among individuals The reaction is greater among family members than friends and acquaintances with a lower rate of yawning tradition when watching strangers.

Emotional correlation is confirmed by the fact that experiments on people with mental disorders, autism disorder or schizophrenia show no reaction or tendency to mimic yawning.

Some studies also indicate a correlation between yawp and age infection, which found that the percentage of yawning increased among those under the age of 25 years, where rates reached 82%, while reaching 60% in the ages between 25-49, and reached 41% of the Over the age of 50 years.


Yawning may be a significant indicator of the strength of emotional attachment between you and anyone else. Try taking it seriously!

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